We have so called health care for all in MA..people now have to have health care they can't always afford or pay a fine at tax time so many go without food or heating..which as anyone who has lived up here will know it gets very cold here so no heating is a major killer..cover costs have doubled for a lot of people ..we don't have enough doctors hospitals are laying off staff because MA is now bankrupt because health care costs are so high..legal immigrants can't get health care like they could under Mass Health when they lost their jobs unless they have lived here over 5 years..2 years ago MA had the best cover for the poor in the US now that is all but going..
I keep reading in UK papers about people not wanting others to have free care..its not free the cheapest here is about $50 a week for one person with high co pays and poor coverage that is for someone on min wage..which is $7 an hour some people now pay $14/25k a year for cover..a lot of companies will stop paying for workers under the new bill as it stands putting up a lot of people payments from $150 a month to $800 a month making it hard to stay in a job..my son now had to wait 8 months to get a doctor..so he now had to use ER..and the wait time to see a doctor has gone from 1 to 2 hours to 3 weeks..young kids with no health care in their jobs are pouring out of the State in their hundreds..along with young families who can nolonger afford to live here..if this can happen in 2 years in a very small once wealthy State I don't know what will happen all over the US ..