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Thread: were you there june 2010?

  1. #11
    Gold 5 Star Member ShirleyD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    We went on the 11th and the first few days were perfect, with hardly a cloud in sight, the next few we had isolated heavy afternoon thunderstorms. As others have said, it was hot, but that is what A/C and pools are for

  2. #12
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    May 2003
    In 09 in June me and my daughter were there and we had some real heavy rain..one storm was so bad I thought it had to be a small twister..it just took all the air out our lungs and people were passing out all over..

  3. #13
    Florida Expert gail and david roberts's Avatar
    Join Date
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    w,yorkshire/The manors westridge
    we was also in Florida this June and it was hot , very hot ,
    don't get me wrong we did get the odd thunderstorm ,
    but not as many as we thought we would and over in a couple of minutes

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    <blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Father
    I wonder if the person meant 2009. We were there for three weeks around May/June 2009 and the weather was pretty appalling for two of them.

    We were at our villa for 3 weeks in June, 2009 and the weather was very hot, and gloriously sunny. We did not experience any more than the occassional shower - indeed, we were praying for rain having just done some replanting at the rear of our pool.

    We were also there for 2 weeks in June this year and it was very hot -in the high 90's, and again, apart from one torrential downpour we had very little rain and had to keep watering our new plants. We certainly saw sun every day so cannot imagine where your friend was staying. It certainly wasn't near our home!

    We have noticed that weather conditions can vary substantially even within a short distance - we could drive back from Mall at Millenia in a huge thunderstorm and arrive at our home and find the roads completely dry.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Kissimmee, Florida
    We were here this June, June 2009, June 2008 and June 2007 (as we live here). Other than the odd afternoon storm (which is typical and doesn't last long) the weather was really hot. It's very rare to get a day any time of year where it rains all day.

    I think this year so far there may have been 2 days with rain most of the day. It's not at all like the UK where you often get days where the rain bearly stops. Over here, even if it rains every day it is usually a short, sharp blast in the afternoon, then it stops and dries within minutes.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Donny, perhaps your colleague had a bad holiday (maybe he and the wife argued all day, or the kids were grumpy!) which coloured his memory of what the weather was like. We have certainly not experienced rain every day in June, and as Roger says, it is usually in mid to late afternoon, and it clears quite quickly.

    So I wouldn't worry too much. Maybe this person gets a 'kick' out of winding you up![msnwink]

    There is so much to do even if it does rain a bit - and it is going to be nice and warm - not like mooching round Torquay in the wind and rain with jumpers and coats on!

  7. #17
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Jun 2009
    Dundee, United Kingdom
    i'm begining to think she may be indeed winding me up[msnscared]she told me all this after i had showen her the villa i'm renting (from this site) with he most stunning views over a lake[clap]. she stayed in a hotel on international drive with her family and 4yrs old grandson. hotel ? villa mmmmmmm now let me see, no contest! having done both villa comes out tops[msntongue]. back to the weather, we were there in sept/oct last year and again it was very, very hot for that time, i have studied weather charts and most seem to say avg high 91, was it exceptionally hot would you say for june or are the weather avg wrong, once again always like to ask the experts[msnwink]thanks

  8. #18
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    May 2003
    It could of been were they were...09 was my daughters first time driving in Orlando and we had a fair few good storms to drive through..we also did all the parks for 8 days..and it did rain a little earlier than normal and for a good bit longer..if you were not used to the FL weather it would of seemed like it rained a lot..my garden really needed rain but never got any and its only a few miles from Disney...a mile in FL when its comes to weather can make all the difference..we came back from Disney like drowned rats and my neighbour wondered what had happened to us..
    We just planned our eating around the weather we got to the parks early and had midday lunch late so we were indoors when the rains came...after the first storm and how bad that was we made sure never to be outside with no cover again..

    This June was very hot..but it was a dryer heat that normal for walking so I had no problem with it..I found indoors hot more than out..and sat in-front the fan most of the time.. it seemed like my A/C never went off it has never done that before..

  9. #19
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Feb 2005
    we were there from 4th june to 3rd july 2010 and for the whole month I can only remember one day having thunderstorms all day. Rest of the time you got the odd 10 minute downpour and it relieved the humidity which was very high. The temps on my pool deck were regularly touching 100 degrees and getting in the car I noticed the car temp was 107 one day. It was the hottest june Ive ever experienced and even the locals were complaining of the "heat wave". Gill

  10. #20
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Dundee, United Kingdom
    many thanks for all the replies, we will just keep the 'mickey macs' handy [msncool]


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