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Thread: Return to Orlando days 1- 3

  1. #1
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Return to Orlando days 1- 3

    We have not been on holiday in Florida for 3 years as we have been living outside of the UK and it was just to far to go, so we had mixed feelings about our trip back here. My wife and I were excited, my 2 kids Luke (13) and Annie (11) less so. They really enjoyed the holidays we took across Asia and were so, so about coming back here. Still, I'm paying so they have to go where we chose!

    Fairly uneventful flight on Easter Sunday - we flew BA Club and fortunately the plane was pretty empty as my wife's leg rest broke and my daughter had to move twice before she found a seat where the TV worked. All in all though a comfortable flight over, the service was excellent.

    When we arrived in Immigration my heart sank, we had landed just after a Lufthansa and a Virgin flight and the hall was full. That said they did a great job of processing people quickly and despite the huge queue we were through in about 30 mins. My last trip stateside was to NYC in Feb and the queue was about a quarter of the size but took 2 hours so I was thrilled with how efficient they were in Orlando. Down to Alamo to pick up our car, we booked a luxury SUV and were given a choice of an BMW X3 or a suburban, we chose the Suburban which is, well, HUGE... It is like driving a house around and three days in we are already half way through a tank of petrol! Oh well there is plenty of space for the four of us.

    We are staying at Windsor Hills on this trip and to be honest, we are a little disappointed with the villa, despite it being the most expensive we have ever booked. We were spoilt last time staying at a fabulous villa on the Reunion resort and this just doesn't quite match up. It is very nice, but I get the sense it is a business first and a home second as the decoration is perfect, but the small touches are just not there. The mattresses are cheep, the pillows are really cheep, nothing major and hard to describe, but just not as comfortable as the other villas we have stayed in.

    On the first morning we woke at the usual 5.00am and headed off early for breakfast at Cracker Barrel, then on to the new Target at rolling Oak to stock up on food and buy some pillows! We then returned to the villa and enjoyed the pool before heading out to play some mini golf and dinner at the new steak restaurant at rolling hills. An early night was had by all. The weather was just perfect, a comfortable 82 with clear sky. Florida weather at it's best.

    Day 2 we again woke early and decided to head to Islands of adventure. When we arrived at Universal there was what looked like about a million people heading towards IOA and no one walking to the other universal park. It seemed that we were not alone in our enthusiasm to visit Harry Potter world. Remembering that this was peak week and that next week would be a lot quieter, we decided to head to Universal studios instead. We purchased the express passes for us all and then worked our way around the park. The new roller coaster was great fun and we enjoyed all of the usual rides. We mourned the passing of the Jaws ride, especially as that whole area of the park looks like a building site at the moment and the view across the lake is of hordings. We had lunch in the Irish pub and mid afternoon headed back to the villa via the premium outlets where I went a bit mad in the American Eagle store stocking up my son's wardrobe. Back at the Villa and Luke cooked a Spag Bol for tea. Again another perfect weather day..

    Day 3, Luke and I had booked on the Florida Firearms adventure. Mixed feelings about this as overall it was a good day and it was interesting to handle the guns, but I wasn't so sure about the commentary. The guy running the course was keen to tell me that "people not guns create the problem" (sort of true I guess) and then lost me when he started on the line that "guns create a respectful society and people are polite in America because of the number of guns around...." I totally gave up when he told me that they had to protect themselves against thugs... "thugs killing thugs where they live is fine but if they wander in my neighbourhood....." Kind of understand why there is so much tension around the Zimmerman shooting out here at the moment. There were two instructors and the younger of the 2 was fantastic - really patient and good at coaching you to use the gun properly, he was brilliant with Luke. The focus on safety was perfect, really made us feel comfortable that we were in the hands of professionals. If you can ignore the politics (or if you agree with them) then overall a fun and different experience to the parks. Back to the Villa then on to Chillis at Champions Gate for dinner and a quick call into Publix on the way home. Another beautiful day of sunshine.
    Last edited by FraserLynn; 12-04-2012 at 10:52.

  2. #2
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Oct 2004
    Sounds like you're having a great time Fraser - for me, the weather is the key to all my holidays so when it's as you describe, I know I'm going to enjoy everything else.

    Interesting point about your accommodation. I know exactly what you mean about a home that's a 'home' and a house that's a business. I can instantly tell one from the other and know which I prefer, even if the decorations aren't always to my taste.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator carolmc's Avatar
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    Just out of nosiness - how would you know if a home as a home and not just a business??

  4. #4
    Moderator luckylady's Avatar
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    Thank you Fraser for your trip report. Sound you are having a geat time. I too fully undertsand what you mean concerning the villa you have rented.. Enjoy the rest of your holiday

  5. #5
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by carolmc View Post
    Just out of nosiness - how would you know if a home as a home and not just a business??
    Fair question Carol!

    It's hard to define but you get a 'feel' when you enter a rented property as to whether it's a home used by the owner as such or is simply a unit to generate income.

    I suppose some of the specifics of the pure rental property are set numbers of the same crockery, cutlery with 1 frying pan, 3 matching saucepans of different sizes etc etc... The furniture gives the appearance of having been bought at budget prices all at the same time from the same place. Overall, they tend to give the feel of a 3 star chain hotel room. In contrast, a "home" just feels like that. There will be better decoration, photos, old well read books and ornaments and the furniture won't match in the sense it hasn't been bought as a package. The pots and pans, utensils and won't all be exactly the same and will have had varying levels of use.

    I recall renting a condo which I had been told had recently been purchased and "remodeled". It was all brand new and had everything we could want but absolutely nothing more. I remember my wife saying that the lounge was a bit like the waiting room at her doctor's surgery. I think that sums it up quite well.

  6. #6
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    Hi, my sons and husband did the Florida Firearms adventure last year and they loved it. My older son who was in the air cadets at the time loved the shooting, but my younger son wasn't that comfortable "in the sense" of holding a real gun. I know he turned around with it and the guy said if you do that again buddy you will have to stop. I suppose handling a real gun comes with a mind set too. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time. The weather is perfect at this time of year.

  7. #7
    Florida Chatterbox
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by carolmc View Post
    Just out of nosiness - how would you know if a home as a home and not just a business??
    It is all the things that Phil mentions and here are a few more specifics from this house...

    No coasters in the bedroom - again if this was a home, someone would have tried drinking a cup of tea in bed and realised there is nowhere to put it. Easily solved except there are no coasters anywhere in the house.

    Cutlery draw just in the wrong place - miles from the kettle and the oven - again if this was someones home, it is just not where they would put it.

    TV on the wrong wall, only 2 people can sit comfortably to watch it at a time - again something you would only know if you tried.

    I have already mentioned the beds, but again they are clearly beds that no owner has slept in.

    As I said, really small things that in themselves are unimportant but collectively create a sort of clinical rather than homely feel. All things that just would not be if the owner lived here for a few weeks. The villa is really very nice, has obviously been recently refurbished and kitted out with a very high end furniture and accessories package, but is just missing the homely touches.

    Still, not having any impact on our holiday enjoyment.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator carolmc's Avatar
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    Now | see what you mean - yes, tea in bed done that...so glass coasters on bedside tables at ours. Funny, I've often been afraid of having the villa too much like our home - especially when you see some that look like show-homes where I'd be afraid to dirty anything....nice to know that folks do notice when homes are not just a "package" and almost have a personality.
    Thanks for the info - taken on board here.

  9. #9
    Gold 5 Star Member
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    It is certainly very interesting to see things from a Guests perspective and we spend quite a bit of time trying to make it homely without making it too personal. We once stayed in a place in Mass which was very nice but was so personal it almost felt like we were intruding into someones personal home. We do try to think of the things that will make it more homely (funnily enough we took coasters out last trip as we noticed we were down quite a few and couldnt actually find any in the shops other than the stone type which I don't like.
    Having had friends of family come to see us when we were out there and they compared it to the villa they were in which had light cream carpets and settees and I'd offered the 3 young children an ice pole, the Mum said she had been frightened to give them anything llike that in case they messed it up or stained the carpets, which I thought was a shame.

    Glad you are still enjoying your holiday though and looking forward to more trips reports.
    Babblin Boo

  10. #10
    Gold 5 Star Member Andrena's Avatar
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    We always say that we use our home for long periods ourselves. We try to think that what we need when we are there our guests will too. Our home is not meant to be a total luxury place that people will feel uncomfortable in, but somewhere that is comfortable and that can enjoy. Who want to spend their holidays in a museum or a furniture showroom. We also deliberately do not have a games room. I always felt that when our kids were younger we would not want to spend a fortune in taking them to Disney and then we would have arguments about staying home to play in the games room. Therefore we decided that we would not provide that - our prices reflect the fact that there is no games room, but we still provide an excellent holiday experience for a reasonable price. We spent the money that would have gone on a games room on an extension to the pool deck with is surely what a Florida holiday is al about.

    We have had many of our guests return year after year so we must be doing something right.



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