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Thread: My memories

  1. #11
    Florida Junior
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I live in upstate NY and I have to tell you for WEEKS I cryed I still can't watch the Towers on TV,I was on my way that morning to deliver airline tickets to a client and was peeved that she wouldn't answer the company door. I went to my office and everone i knew was calling me, I happened to witness the second tower being hit. I will never forget it as long as I live. There were many families in our area directly affected by losing someone. I could not function that day at work. I can still remember someone coming in to book a trip and I was amazed they acted like nothing happened and I was all puffied eyed from crying all morning. The next few days no one came in, there were phone calls to cancel trips, and people telling me who they lost or who was found. Terrible. My children will have this horrible memeory forever.

  2. #12
    Super Moderator Carla's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'd been to lunch with a friend and got back just after 3.30pm. I turned the radio on and sat down at the computer. About that time every day, Radio 4 has a 15 minute story.

    I'd been half listening to the "story" for about 5 minutes and thought that it was a modern day "War of the Worlds". A newscaster said something which made me start, sit up and listen intently. With mounting horror it finally sank in that this was reality.

    I can't imagine what it must have been like to be in the planes, the Towers or on the ground trying to help.

    God bless us all, and save us from anything like this happening again.

    "It's been a quiet week in Lake Wobegone"

    Edited by - Margot on 08/09/2002 16:54:09

  3. #13
    Gold 5 Star Member
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I was just cumin out of the wood yard and my grand doughtier was in the car and she and it was on the news she told me whot was going on i got on the mobile to my husband who was at home and told him to put the TV on,
    I arrived home later to see him siting looking at the TV with a look of disbelief on his face and tears in his eyes.
    The next few hours wear so difficult for us as i had a relative who worked in the towers and we were unable to contact any one in the US who could give me any info about her
    Later I was told that she was not feeling to well so she went home from work and was laying in a nice hot bath with her music on so did not know whot was going on that day her life changed
    We already made arraignments to go to Florida later that month to look at villas on the idea of buying a holiday home,
    we went ahead with the trip and all so brought our dream holiday villa as we found the Americans welcome us so much at such a difficult time it made me wont to be part of a country that was so full of love for out sides who wonted to travel to their country at a time of great sadness
    I must say i am so pleased that tourism is still on the up in Florida and the USA.


  4. #14
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Sidcup Kent
    My husband woke me up to tell me that a plane had crashed in America (i work nights) i came to the t.v and was`nt sure if what I was seeing was real or some special effects show I felt so shocked and appalled when it was revealed that it had been a terrorist attack. We travelled to Orlando ten days following the disaster and I have to admit that I was scared of getting on the plane and unsure of the atmosphere we would find when we arrived, we need`nt have worried the flight was the best we have ever been on and every American we came into contact with, was,while aprehensive of the future determined not to let this act defeat them. We where impressed with their Sprit and Patriotism. Our thoughts are with all the families worldwide whose lives will never be the same

  5. #15
    Florida Chatterbox
    Join Date
    May 2002
    We flew to Florida 2 weeks after 911. The roads were very quiet and flags flew everywhere. There was a determination to carry on as usual
    knowing that nothing would be the same again.

    Everyone knows someone who was affected that day. Our thoughts are with you all.


  6. #16
    Florida Newbie
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    It was really shoking news. I was at work, it was almost 4 pm in Moscow. TV in the office was always tirned on. I entered the room and I didn't notice at that moment that everyone who was there stood in front of TV and kept silence. At that day noone could work, everybody was watching news and tried to understand what was going on. It was really hard to believe.


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